Wednesday, September 5, 2012

At a time when it is hard to find words, I will share the words from my devotional today.

"Here is God's promise:  '"Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.  God settles the solitary in a home."' (Ps.68:5-6a)

"We can have the contentment of home right now, wherever we are, because home for us is wherever God has us.  In fact, home is more than this--home is Christ, who unites us to God our Father.  In this home alone can we find contentment because it is the only home that we will never have to leave." Lydia Brownback

So there is joy, heartache, pain, loss, persecution, excitement, disappointment, sorrow, praising, awe, wonder, brokenness, compassion, hope, grace and healing.  And in all these things....we are content, because we are home in Christ Jesus. 

Friday, August 17, 2012


Head down, eyes lowered in shame….she came to the clinic. Two years ago she was sick and fell into a fire. Burns all over both legs, one never recovered. Her left leg is contracted and several inches shorter than her right leg, making it impossible to walk without a stick. 

She hobbled into the clinic. Two hours were spent debriding the wound – removing infection and dead skin carefully with a scalpel. And this brave girl watched the whole thing. She never cried, just held onto Casey’s hand and endured it. Finally, when it was done, she smiled and thanked us again and again. No one had ever taken the time to care for it. Her mother told us before leaving, “She is happy again.”

This girl who shares my Ugandan name is near to my heart. She is a Muslim and knows who Jesus is but obeys her religion. She is in the darkness. We pray for the One who heals perfectly to open her heart.

She comes every day now to get her dressing changed. And this girl walks on one leg, leaning on a stick,  over an hour to get here….over rocks and uphill paths, in the heat of the day with no water. She comes with a smile and a laugh. She comes without her head covered. She stays to play netball on one leg. She smiles again. 

And every day, most importantly, she hears about Jesus. Just as her foot needed to be cleaned and all of the decay scraped off, so her soul needs the same. And so do ours. Only Jesus can heal, only He can take our brokenness and our rotting flesh and replace it with life. 

Thank you, Jesus, for Your faithfulness.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

God's Word is a Treasure

These two boys came to the door tonight asking for bibles.  I jumped up, asked if they could read English, and they said, "yes".  So I gave them each one.  I told them they had one assignment, that they should read to their friends who can't.  Immediately after saying, "thank you", they ran to the tree with all the others gathered around them and began reading God's word to their friends. 

It is so humbling to be here.  I just love these people.

"How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.  I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:9-11

Because of Jesus,

Beginning to Laugh

"Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." Matthew 18:5-7

There are no words for these pictures.  Just tears of joy.  You see, since we have been here, we walk through the community every Tuesday.  The first Tuesday, we noticed this girl. She is 13 years old.  Other children in the family are in school.  But not this one.  She is caring for her younger siblings who are also not in school.  There are so many children.  The look on her face is like death.  Hopeless.  Dressed in rags. Caring for the children. 

She gets our attention.  This look of despair.  We cannot stop thinking about her.  We ask about school.  There are so many who need to be sponsored.  But this hopelessness.  God does not let us forget.

You see, here in this culture, if a girl is not in school, she will more than likely be married off and have a baby by the time she is 15 years old.  This one is dangerously close. 

I think of my own life.  Hopeless. Helpless. Dressed in filthy rags.  Full of despair and darkness.  Sin.  And Jesus came.  He gave it all.  Saved me from hell.  Took my life and gave me His.  Abundant life.  Pure Joy.  He paid the price for my soul.  For hers.  For yours.

We call for her and her 9 year old sister. They come with their mom.  We interview them. Take their photos.  They will go to school this next term.   We find out they are Muslim.  They don't know Jesus. Yet.  Hopeless and helpless.  Their father is not living with them, he has many wives. "He is not interested" I was told.  This mom is caring for 8 children on her own.  Darkness all around.  But they have a Father who is interested.  One who gave His life so they could know this love. Jesus.

So every day since then, they come.  Dressed up and with smiles so wide.  They come to play.  They come to find us.  This one is a child again.  I wish you could see her joy.  Her mom's joy.  Her mom stopped to play jump-rope with me last night.  We laughed and played.  Like children. There is joy.  She hugged me tight when she left.  I see love.

So we pray for their family.  We pray for their souls.  There is hope in a Savior that loves the unlovable.  He alone is the One that saves.  We will give Him all the glory. 

UPDATE:  I typed this yesterday and the internet went out before I could send it.  Today this one came to church to praise the Lord with His children.  "For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does."  Psalm 33   HE IS FAITHFUL.  We continue to praise His Holy Name.

(they are the ones dressed in black)

So humbled by His grace and love,

Thursday, August 9, 2012

His Will is Perfect

Shortly after we arrived in the village, a woman named Prossy, showed up at the clinic, with her brother, begging for someone to help her fight for her life.  She had cervical cancer and had a partial hysterectomy and needed treatment.  She had no money.  None.  She wanted to live.  She had 3 kids at home.  We cannot turn away from the one in front of us.  We prayed with her and her brother, and sent her on her way with the doctor and money for treatment at the hospital. We pleaded with God for her life. “Please heal  this one for your glory, Lord, according to your will."   And He did.  For His glory.

Today we grieve.  She passed away due to emergency complications  last week.  God did heal her in His perfect way.  She was born again.  She is completely healed and in heaven with Jesus.  I don't always understand His ways.  I grieve as I think of three more orphans  left behind.  But He is a perfect, holy, just God.  He has conquered sin and death.  On. The. Cross.   I will praise His name.  Still.  Even when there are tears.  "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21

I love Him with all of my broken heart.  Because He first loved me.  

Only because of His grace,

Thursday, August 2, 2012


The kids are on break from school now.  And unlike American school kids, the ones here weren’t jumping up and down with excitement because they have a whole month of school off.  Instead, the kids at this school were sad that it was the end of the term. Why? Because the reality is, for many of these kids, no school also means no food. And no school means no get-away from a very difficult life that you and I could not even imagine.  School, actually, is the break for these kids.

Tuesday we went out into the village like we do every Tuesday to visit with families that live here, bring food to them, and share the gospel- eternal food- with them. Every other Tuesday that we went the kids had always been in school so we never saw them in their homes.  This week, however, when we went, the kids were all there. They were no longer dressed in their nice school uniforms, but instead they were dressed in torn, dirty, ripped-up clothes that you and I would have thrown away long ago. It’s at that point you realize, school is not only a get-away for them, but it offers them the opportunity to get out of poverty.

The kids here are so eager to learn. The Primary 4 (comparable to 4th grade) teacher offers an optional Saturday class to the Primary 5 students for whoever wants to come. The first Saturday I went I was shocked by the number of students that showed up. There were 16 students there by 9:30am and they continued to trickle in after that. I was shocked not only because they were 11 to 14 year old kids who were choosing to go to school on their day off, but also because some of these kids have to walk an extremely far distance to school.  I told the teacher that if I offered a Saturday class in America, the only way anyone would show up is if their parents made them.

A few weeks ago, I was teaching and we had some spare time in class, so I taught the Primary 5 students about the world. I attempted to draw a map on the chalkboard, which was horribly inaccurate, but it worked. I showed them where they lived. I showed them where all the continents and oceans are. I showed them where I came from. They were so interested. One of the boys raised his hand and started asking about something called, “Mart or something.” He went on to describe these “circle things that are in a line.” He was talking about the planet Mars. They had never learned about the solar system. I started teaching them about the moon, sun, and planets. Their faces were priceless. Their innocence was incredible. Questions came like, “Are there people living on those planets?” and, “What happens if you went to the moon and fell off, would you land on a star?” and comments like, “Wow! I want to live on the moon one day!”

 The potential in these kids is immeasurable, but the opportunity for them to exercise it is so small. I think of many kids in America who are constantly told, “You can be anything you want to be.” I think of how so many parents in America fight so that their kids can have every opportunity imaginable. But here, life is not so much about striving to be all that you can be, but instead it’s about survival. Here kids must sleep on dirt floors with their family’s chickens, goats, pigs, and sheep sleeping on the same floor. Here kids have little to no food outside of school to keep their minds going. Here kids are often sick because they can’t afford a mosquito net to protect them from malaria. It’s sad, but it’s reality.

The odds are against all of them, but in Jesus there is hope. Not hope that one day each of these kids will move to the big city and make lots of money, but hope that they were each created for a purpose. I am thankful for God’s faithfulness. His faithfulness spreads to every person in this world.

“The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; Your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of Your hands.” Psalm 138:8

This verse provides hope for the kids in this school, for sweet Grace whose future is still unknown to us, for every abandoned baby that is brought to our doorstep, and for every person that God has brought into this world. I am so thankful. Hope does not mean that they are promised money, a nice home, safety, health, or stuff, but it means that in the midst of struggles and affliction, Jesus is always the answer. This life is filled with hardships, disasters, sickness, and struggles. Whether you’re from America, Africa, or somewhere else, this life is hard. It’s hard because of sin. Your sin. My sin. But praise God that He rescues us out of it when we did nothing to deserve it. Through Jesus, we have hope that when this life ends, it’s not over. When we put our trust in Him and choose to follow Him alone, He does not take away all of our struggles and hardships, but He promises to help us through them and use them all for our good and ultimately for His glory and purposes. Praise His name. We all have a purpose, and He promises to fulfill it in all of us.  I want every child to know this. I want every child to know Him. That is why we’re here. Education provides opportunity, but without Jesus, it’s all vanity. All of it. It’s all worthless without Jesus. Oh Jesus, please penetrate the hearts of each of these kids. Penetrate the hearts of each of their parents. Penetrate the hearts of each person in this village. They are yours, and You are faithful. Always.

Friday, July 27, 2012

"Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm.  Nothing is too hard for you." Jeremiah 32:17

So humbled by His mercy.  Today, the one who is sick, is Casey's sponsor child. And we are here. She is burning.  She is weak.  She is His.  We take her into the clinic.  Check her out.  Ear infection.  High fever.  Oxygen level-low. Pulse-high.  Lungs--crackles, wheezes.  Breathing--labored.   We take her to our home so we can give her a breathing treatment. ( Our nebulizer machine burnt up weeks ago.)  We must get medicine into her lungs.    She threw her medicine up.  She is getting worse.  We sit her down and pray the name of Jesus over this sweet one. Whisper in her ears.  Hold her hands.  At one time, all that comes out is "Jesus".  The tears fall.

We move her to the stove, to inhale medicine into her lungs.  Not the most effective way, but our machine is broken and this is all we have.  She is too weak to finish.  We sit her down and check her lungs.  They are almost clear.  Almost clear!!  That is Jesus.  His mercy.  His grace.  More tears fall.  To see His face in the midst of suffering.  Nothing is too hard for Him.

While her lungs are almost clear, she is still sick.  We call her mom.  She comes.  We tell her the story of her daughter.  We tell her we called on Jesus and her lungs are clear.  She beams.  She gets excited. She tells us, through a translator, that her daughter, this one, 5 years old, was on her knees the night before.  Three hours on her knees before the LORD.  Crying out to Jesus.  For. Three. Hours.  A child.  We asked the mom, "do you know Jesus?"  She replied, "not yet".  

But this child is saved by the blood of Jesus.  Crying out to the One who hears.  Her mom is watching, noticing.  Jesus is there.  And we pray.  And the tears  fall.

Please join us in prayer for this child's health.  She has been very sick since birth.  She is beautiful.  She is His.  She matters to Jesus.  She matters to us.  Pray for her mother, who has no hope.  "But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 There is hope.

This child heard about Jesus at school.  Please consider sponsoring a child.  It really does make a difference.  To this one---it is life!!!

Humbled by His mercy,

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rejoicing Over One

"I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." Luke 15:7

The past 7 weeks has been a journey with Jesus.  He calls us to follow Him and he doesn't always tell us the details.  It's called "faith".  We go.  We trust.

We struggle.  We have moved our family to a foreign land.  We take our"selves".  Same people.  Different culture.  We struggle with "self".  We have not arrived.  We just need Jesus more.

The Lord is moving in our midst.  He is faithful when we are not.  We have been through sickness.  Malaria. Fevers. Stomach. Strep. Unexplainable rashes. High blood pressure.  We have been discouraged, confused, angry, laughed at and lonely.  We have been in awe, praising, crying, and speechless.  We have been hungry, fought rats, been eaten by mosquitos, hot and dirty.  But we have never questioned His goodness.  His will is perfect.  He knows.  We are called to follow.

Last week we were challenged like never before.  So much sickness.  Chelsey had malaria.  The boar hole was broken and being fixed. No water.  No electricity.  The van was gone and in need of repair.  No vehicle.  Chelsey took a turn for the worse.  We ran. We scrambled.  We prayed.  We begged. Brittany put an emergency IV in her.  We waited. With tears.  And God breathed His life into her. "The Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them--the LORD, who remains faithful forever." Psalm 147:6  Everything stripped away except Him and His faithfulness.

Today, we witness the "one".  The one who turned from witchcraft to the One who saved her from her sins.  Today is a new day.  She is saved today.  She is made new today.  A woman of influence in this village.  Today she is HIS.  She was once dead in her sins and is now alive in Christ.  Because of Jesus and His work on the cross.  Because of Him.

We praise His holy name.  So much rejoicing in heaven over this repentant sinner. We are rejoicing in this village over this one.  God has always been faithful.  He will always be faithful.

So ask us if it is worth it?  We will tell you, without a doubt, Jesus is worth everything.  He gave it all for us.  It is not a burden, it is a joy to walk in His will.  An unexplainable joy to watch "one" turn away and walk with Him.  And He knew.  None of it is a surprise to Him. 

So thankful for His sufficient grace,


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

God Reveal Your Will

                Since the last time that I messaged all of you, life here is ever crazier.  We’ve come alongside a mother of triplets and triplets are considered a curse here.  We are paying for a single mom who is suffering from cancer to receive treatment.  Her pastor brought her here to be seen.  We have a 3 year old living with us.  She had been abandoned and was starving.  Your prayers and support are making this happen.  We ask God where we are to help and as He provides we move.  Trying desperately not to let our hearts lead.  Hard.
                The physical needs here are great but the spiritual needs are overwhelming.  We are asking the Lord to give us His words in every situation.  He has been faithful.  Pray that they see and hear only Jesus.
                George has started a youth fellowship time every Saturday at about 4:00pm Africa time (could be 4, most likely 5:00-5:30) which means that we never know when to be ready. 
                I’ve been asked to share from the Word and God has been stretching me in this.  On the IPod, Paul Washer made it very clear that listening to someone else teach is good but giving a message from that is not what I should be striving for.  Connecting with Jesus myself through the Word and giving what I’ve been given myself is where power lies.  The Holy Spirit, confirmed by the Word, coming in power and deep conviction is what changes lives and as God has challenged, changed, moved me my life has matured.  We see a hope in this here.  The basic teaching, like who God is and how He wants to relate to us, is a hard subject.  They have no Idea what a Father’s love is supposed to look like so to tell them of a perfect Father in Heaven is very strange to them.  I can relate to this because of my background.  I pray that God uses my testimony to speak to them, especially the young men.  Starting to make connections. Pray the Lord leads that this would disciple others and not enable them in any way.  It is a culture thing.  They have nothing, so they are always looking to get something. 
                I gave a teaching on the Fruit of the Spirit – challenged the youth in this, to see if they are truly walking with the Lord.  It was well received and George thought this was a message the church should hear.  On Sunday I gave the same message – calling into account church leaders, husbands, wives, and children.  Saw a lot of heads lowering as I looked at them as I spoke.  Conviction is good but doubting salvation is not.  The summary of the message they gave back to me was if you don’t see all of the Fruits of the Spirit you don’t have the Spirit at all.  There was hope though.  A good friend of George’s, the leader of his carpenter crew whose name is Kennedy, stood up and said he knows he has the Spirit in him because the Bible tells him so.  I asked if I could take a little time to clear this up.  I talked about not being perfect until we get to heaven or until Jesus comes back, and that we are in a process of maturity in the Lord as we walk in Him.  After the service the leaders of the church asked if we could talk more about this next week.  There is much teaching about the Holy Spirit here saying if you don’t speak in tongues you aren’t filled with the Spirit.  This is not George’s belief but I’ve yet to talk with the church leaders about all of this. 
                The next Sunday, July 15th, I shared the service teaching time with a friend of George and his family, an African teacher who speaks on being delivered from sin and strongholds in a believer’s life.  From his message and talking with him I believe his biblical perspective is correct but only time and more sharing will truly confirm this.
                My message was on justification, sanctification, and glorification.  Justification – being saved from the guilt of sin.  Sanctification – being saved from the power of sin.  Glorification – will be saved from the presence of sin.  2 Corinthians 13:5, “Examine yourself to make sure you are in the faith.”  If you find you are in the faith rejoice and see the beauty of Christ in you.  If you find that you are not, pray so that you can know Jesus for real.  Pray for your soul and others.  Ask “Lord set me on this journey”. 
                All of this is God’s business opening our hearts to Him, growing in our relationship with Him, but we do need to do our part.  Cry out to our Father in Heaven that He would do a mighty work here in Bugabo, Uganda and in my heart.  Draw us all closer to serve Him. 
                Ephesians 1:13-14, “Receiving the promised Holy Spirit when you believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” 
                Only time spent here will confirm their understanding of the truth of the Word.  What a joy to see their smiles and then praising Jesus for His Word.
                Tuesdays are Men’s Ministry here in the village also.  We had 7 of us the first time and we hope more will come as they hear about it.  It was tough to hear the struggles they are having – trusting the Lord to provide when the crops are not coming in because of a lack of rain and they have nothing else.  What do you say?  Jesus loves you and has a plan for your life?  I just said that this is hard very hard but encouraged them to trust Him.  They gave testimonies of God showing Himself in the midst of all of this.  They also have problems with their wives and getting no respect. 
                We have a great opportunity to see God move in and among these men.  To bring them the Word of God and to see lives change as they grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. 
                As I think back over the last couple years and remember the men who have challenged and encouraged me in the Word of God and provided leadership and direction by their obedience, I desire to see that here in the village.  Why not?  It’s God’s heart that His people walk closely with Him!  Micah 6:8, “He showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Please pray that we all walk closer to our Lord Jesus by His spirit that His will in all would be done.


Jude 2:20-23, “But you beloved, building yourself up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.  And have mercy on those who doubt, save others by snatching them out of the fire, to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garments stained by the flesh.”  (ESV)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Living With A Broken Heart

Psalm 51:17 “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.”

Every day, the dawn breaks and a new day begins. And every day brings a new face – a real person with a beating heart, with eyes that stare into mine, with a hand to hold and a story that shatters my soul. How can we turn away our hands? How can we simply say “We will pray for you,” and not do something?

I have struggled working in the clinic, seeing school children during the week and the rest of the community on the weekend. Each child I ask “Did you eat today?” and the answer is always no if it is before their 10:00am meal of porridge that they get at school. I then ask who they live with at home and very rarely have an answer of mom and/or dad. I love to hug them and get a smile out of them. And then I pray with them. Because what good is physical healing if their soul is in danger? If they don’t know Jesus as Savior?

My heart is constantly broken and being broken again and again. God’s grace alone lets me get up and do another day.

I think of Michael, eight years old and burned badly in a fire. People scoff because he was jumping over the fire, but what they don’t know is that his grandpa died almost one year ago exactly and ever since then he has been acting out. His grandmother let her husband die so she could sell his land. And now here is Michael, in the hospital for weeks, a brave little boy wanting to be loved, with 25% of his skin burned off.

I think of a woman I saw in the clinic, Prossy, mother of a two year old. She has cancer and no way to pay the $500.00 needed for radiation. No way to pay the money so that she won’t have to leave another orphan behind.  She came in, bent over in pain, begging for help.

I think of Collin, a boy in the “foster care” system because his father, a witch doctor, raped a woman and is in prison. His mother abandoned him when he was six months old. He has the sweetest smile you ever saw, with huge dimples and eyes that speak volumes. The first night here, we fed him a bowl of rice and beans. Once it was gone, he looked into his lap and started to cry. This boy had countless sores on his legs, oozing and broken open. He uses his shirt or his hands to wipe after using the bathroom. And yet, he sits on your lap, snuggling and singing “Hallelujah.”

I think of baby Isaac, two months old. He was abandoned by his father, so his mother left him at a bar to get back at him. He has the sweetest brown eyes, and when I hold him, I cannot fathom leaving him.

And then I think of Grace. Sweet Grace.  No one knows her age; by her teeth, they say she is three or four. She wears 9-12 month size clothes. She was abandoned in a bush with a dress and shoes on. She was found covered in scabs and was severely malnourished. On Saturday, we went to the place she was found to try and find any information we could about where she came from. And as I looked at the very bush she was found, I felt sick.  How can you leave your child? How can you not care? Grace is coming alive again. She laughs and plays and cries and wants to be held. Her face is filling out and her belly is not as swollen. But the road to recovery is long.

Finally, I think of a mom, left all alone with triplets, hated by her family and community. In this culture, triplets are considered a curse. They are at risk – the witch doctor wants them so he can do spells and eventually kill them, and the family blames them for all the problems they have. These three boys are nine months old. Nine months. Their mother wants to give them up. She feels defeated, depressed and cannot care for them.

These are real children, real people…. just like you and me. As I hold these children in my arms, I am angry. Angry at mothers who abandon their children. Angry at fathers who are never to be found. Angry at cultures who consider innocent babies as curses. And angry at people who look right past and do nothing, who hear but don’t feel.

But then I am reminded of my sin – my hard heart, my selfishness, my fears and uncertainties. I am reminded that no matter how many good things I do, I am just as sinful. God doesn’t want me to be angry – He wants me to be broken. Broken for my sin. Broken for the sin in the world causing children to be unloved and thrown away, causing mothers to be beaten, causing cultures to be twisted and deceived. And I am thankful that I am living with a broken heart.

How can I make you feel it with me? I cannot. I have no words for my feelings, no words for the horror and the sadness, for the hidden and visible wounds, for the pain. I cannot make you understand. I cannot make you care. But I can pray. And I can be broken. May the Lord transform hearts, as He is in the process of transforming mine. In my brokenness, I am changed. And while sometimes I am falling apart, barely breathing…when I am weak, then He is strong. And Jesus is enough.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Full, Abundant Life

"I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.  He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.  I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:9

God's truth.  For every person.  Every color.  Every nation.  Every tribe.  He has come to save.  He has come to give life to the full.  How do you tell this to a 3 or 4 year old who was found under a bush, malnourished and left to die. Only 11 pounds.  So malnourished, no one in her culture wants to look at her because she is so sick. Haven't found the parents yet.   How do you tell a twin girl, 10 years old, malnourished and starving, with no parents to care for her and her siblings.  No food at home, only at school where they are sponsored.  How do you tell a boy, burned in a fire.  His arm, stomach, ear and back. Went a whole night without telling anyone.  Just a little boy.  How do you tell this to a little girl.  Abused in every way.  Night after night.  No one to protect her when she calls.  How do you tell a young boy who gets beat every time he is late getting home.  How do you tell someone who has never been loved that they have a perfect Father in heaven who gave His life.  Perfect love. 

These are some of the real people we have met so far.  Too many to tell.  There are so many hungry, so many alone,so many sick, too many.  We are struggling with what this looks like.  We continue to tell them. We continue to hold them,  we continue to cry with them, cry out for them, feed them, play with them,  hear them.  But in the end, it is only Jesus who can do anything.  Only Jesus who can save them.  Only Jesus who can turn their mourning into dancing. 

He left the 99 and chased after the one.  One is worth it.  Even one.  The one in front of us.  That is the one we will tell.  That is the one we will love.  We will give them all to Him.  Lay them down at the foot of the cross.  They are His.  Not ours. We must not turn the other way.  We must reach out.  We follow Jesus.  He knows the way.  He is THE WAY.

Full, abundant life is knowing Jesus!! He is Lord!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Home Away from Home

We have arrived in the village!  Bugabo Village, with George and Christie Magera. A story written by the Lord.  The. Words. Do. Not. Come. Easy.

We left home almost a week ago.  The 8 of us  have traveled across land and sea.  We have had a lot of sickness.  We are tired.  But we are full.

I will share some of the last week's details to keep you informed here.

Our plane from Detroit to Amsterdam had "issues".  We had to leave the runway and go back to the hanger.  It sure sounded like the wheels were not working to us.  Eventually we take off for a very long flight.  A medical emergency half way over the ocean.  Time to land and again it sounds like the wheels are not working again.  A stressful flight  indeed.  Zoe starts yelling, at the top of her lungs, "Jesus is the Christ, He's the King, He is the Savior, saved us from our sins, died on the cross!!!"  We wanted to stop her from yelling until we realized what she was saying. And it is true.  And we laughed. And we praised.

Arrived in Entebbe tuesday night. Zoe gets off the plane and immediately asks, "where are all the children?"   Detained at the airport.  Interrogated by Customs.  We had so many bags, (32 plus 16 carry ons)  4 containers are currently held at the airport.  And it turns out to be a blessing.  This process is a long one, but when it is finished, this will pave the way for all future containers to be brought in.  So thankful.

Stayed in a friend's beautiful house.  The vacation we didn't even know we needed.  Chelsey was able to heal here.  And. God. Already. Knew.

We were planning on taking a trip to Jinja to deliver bibles to our pastor friend, and meet with our other friend.  We had to change plans.  Seemed it was not the right timing.  We scrambled to find somewhere else to stay.  Adonai House.  They made room for us.  8 more. We met a man we needed to meet.  A God appointment.  He was filled with such wisdom.  We. Needed. To. Hear. More connections, more people praying.  We needed him in this journey.  God. Already. Knew.

We came to the village early.  And. Fell. In. Love.  They have been working so hard to get a house ready for us.  And it is more than we could ever ask or imagine.  We are in the bush.  In a village.  And we see God's face everywhere. So many children, beautiful children.  So many beautiful people.

Zoe is already learning Ugandan tribal dance.  Debbie Snyder's sponsor child,  Alice, is teaching her.  Micah is sick now.  So we could use prayer.

We will rest tonight, and begin serving tomorrow. We will also post pictures.

We are full.  Jesus is enough.  He knows what is next, and we will follow.

"For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.  But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men, you will only find yourself fighting against God."  Acts 5:38b-39

Because His grace is sufficient,
Debbie, Steve, Brittany, Casey, Chelsey, Stephanie, Micah and Zoe

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Saved by Grace

"I will exalt you, my God the king;
I will praise your name for ever and ever.
Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.

Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
One generation will commend your works to another;
they will tell of your mighty acts.
They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty,
and I will meditate on your wonderful works.
They will tell of the power of your awesome works,
and I will proclaim your great deeds.
They will celebrate your abundant goodness
and joyfully sing of your righteousness."  Psalm 145:1-7

The LORD alone is worthy of praise.  He takes sinners and redeems them for His glory.  Nothing is too hard for Him.  No one has the life that He can't change.  The marriage that He can't fix.  The kids that He can't reach. The parents He can't redeem.  The child He can't rescue.  The heart He can't change.  He is hope fulfilled.

This will be a place where His story is written.  He has taken our broken lives and exchanged them for His abundant life.  Jesus is enough.  He is the peace and joy we have longed for.  We are on a journey with our King.  The One who saved us from sin and death.  The One who hung on the cross in our place, the death we deserve.  A free gift to all who call Him LORD.  He rose from the grave and conquered death~He lives!!!  And He has given us new life in Him.  Saved by the blood of Jesus.  Saved by GRACE.  How could we ever live the same?

And now by His grace, this family journeys to Uganda.  To live for a time.  An unfamiliar land, no comforts of home, but joy in His presence.  To a people saved by grace too.  Do they know?  Do you know?  He gave it all for you.