Tuesday, July 17, 2012

God Reveal Your Will

                Since the last time that I messaged all of you, life here is ever crazier.  We’ve come alongside a mother of triplets and triplets are considered a curse here.  We are paying for a single mom who is suffering from cancer to receive treatment.  Her pastor brought her here to be seen.  We have a 3 year old living with us.  She had been abandoned and was starving.  Your prayers and support are making this happen.  We ask God where we are to help and as He provides we move.  Trying desperately not to let our hearts lead.  Hard.
                The physical needs here are great but the spiritual needs are overwhelming.  We are asking the Lord to give us His words in every situation.  He has been faithful.  Pray that they see and hear only Jesus.
                George has started a youth fellowship time every Saturday at about 4:00pm Africa time (could be 4, most likely 5:00-5:30) which means that we never know when to be ready. 
                I’ve been asked to share from the Word and God has been stretching me in this.  On the IPod, Paul Washer made it very clear that listening to someone else teach is good but giving a message from that is not what I should be striving for.  Connecting with Jesus myself through the Word and giving what I’ve been given myself is where power lies.  The Holy Spirit, confirmed by the Word, coming in power and deep conviction is what changes lives and as God has challenged, changed, moved me my life has matured.  We see a hope in this here.  The basic teaching, like who God is and how He wants to relate to us, is a hard subject.  They have no Idea what a Father’s love is supposed to look like so to tell them of a perfect Father in Heaven is very strange to them.  I can relate to this because of my background.  I pray that God uses my testimony to speak to them, especially the young men.  Starting to make connections. Pray the Lord leads that this would disciple others and not enable them in any way.  It is a culture thing.  They have nothing, so they are always looking to get something. 
                I gave a teaching on the Fruit of the Spirit – challenged the youth in this, to see if they are truly walking with the Lord.  It was well received and George thought this was a message the church should hear.  On Sunday I gave the same message – calling into account church leaders, husbands, wives, and children.  Saw a lot of heads lowering as I looked at them as I spoke.  Conviction is good but doubting salvation is not.  The summary of the message they gave back to me was if you don’t see all of the Fruits of the Spirit you don’t have the Spirit at all.  There was hope though.  A good friend of George’s, the leader of his carpenter crew whose name is Kennedy, stood up and said he knows he has the Spirit in him because the Bible tells him so.  I asked if I could take a little time to clear this up.  I talked about not being perfect until we get to heaven or until Jesus comes back, and that we are in a process of maturity in the Lord as we walk in Him.  After the service the leaders of the church asked if we could talk more about this next week.  There is much teaching about the Holy Spirit here saying if you don’t speak in tongues you aren’t filled with the Spirit.  This is not George’s belief but I’ve yet to talk with the church leaders about all of this. 
                The next Sunday, July 15th, I shared the service teaching time with a friend of George and his family, an African teacher who speaks on being delivered from sin and strongholds in a believer’s life.  From his message and talking with him I believe his biblical perspective is correct but only time and more sharing will truly confirm this.
                My message was on justification, sanctification, and glorification.  Justification – being saved from the guilt of sin.  Sanctification – being saved from the power of sin.  Glorification – will be saved from the presence of sin.  2 Corinthians 13:5, “Examine yourself to make sure you are in the faith.”  If you find you are in the faith rejoice and see the beauty of Christ in you.  If you find that you are not, pray so that you can know Jesus for real.  Pray for your soul and others.  Ask “Lord set me on this journey”. 
                All of this is God’s business opening our hearts to Him, growing in our relationship with Him, but we do need to do our part.  Cry out to our Father in Heaven that He would do a mighty work here in Bugabo, Uganda and in my heart.  Draw us all closer to serve Him. 
                Ephesians 1:13-14, “Receiving the promised Holy Spirit when you believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” 
                Only time spent here will confirm their understanding of the truth of the Word.  What a joy to see their smiles and then praising Jesus for His Word.
                Tuesdays are Men’s Ministry here in the village also.  We had 7 of us the first time and we hope more will come as they hear about it.  It was tough to hear the struggles they are having – trusting the Lord to provide when the crops are not coming in because of a lack of rain and they have nothing else.  What do you say?  Jesus loves you and has a plan for your life?  I just said that this is hard very hard but encouraged them to trust Him.  They gave testimonies of God showing Himself in the midst of all of this.  They also have problems with their wives and getting no respect. 
                We have a great opportunity to see God move in and among these men.  To bring them the Word of God and to see lives change as they grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. 
                As I think back over the last couple years and remember the men who have challenged and encouraged me in the Word of God and provided leadership and direction by their obedience, I desire to see that here in the village.  Why not?  It’s God’s heart that His people walk closely with Him!  Micah 6:8, “He showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Please pray that we all walk closer to our Lord Jesus by His spirit that His will in all would be done.


Jude 2:20-23, “But you beloved, building yourself up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.  And have mercy on those who doubt, save others by snatching them out of the fire, to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garments stained by the flesh.”  (ESV)

1 comment:

  1. Praying for y'all... I love what has been written here, every bit of it, but especially the fourth paragraph down in how God is stretching Steve. I love the fact that the mission God puts us on is never JUST for the ones He wants us to reach, but it is also for the one being "sent" as well, to be taught by the Holy Spirit, to learn it in such a way that we apply it as He leads us. AWESOME!!!
    God IS AMAZING!!!

    Bless you guys and all you are doing in Bugabo Village for His Glory!!! <3
